Published On: Sat, Jun 22nd, 2024

People discover why some reindeer have glow-in-dark antlers | Nature | News

Snaps of a reindeer sporting glow-in-the-dark antlers have taken the internet by storm.

The @AMAZINGNATURE account on X (formerly known as Twitter) recently shared two striking images of a reindeer whose antlers appear to shine brightly in the dark. The viral post has been viewed millions of times.

The caption revealed that in Finland, where car collisions with reindeer are a serious issue, a reflective paint solution was applied to the animals’ antlers to make them more visible to motorists at night.

The X account called the glowing antlers “vaguely terrifying”.

This innovative approach was initiated by Finland’s Reindeer Herders Association back in 2014 to combat the alarming number of reindeer fatalities on the roads, which were then estimated at around 4,000 annually.

“The aim is to prevent traffic accidents. The spray is being tested on fur at the moment, but it may be even more effective on the antlers, because they are seen from every side,” the association said.

However, by 2016, the association reported that despite various attempts, including the use of reflective neck-hanging reflectors, the measures had not significantly reduced reindeer casualties.

The association noted: “Drivers often mistook reindeer with reflectors for people in the dark, thinking they wouldn’t run into the middle of the road when they saw car headlights approaching… and the deer would tear the reflectors off.”

A tracking app was rolled out in 2016, giving motorists the power to report reindeer sightings. It also warned people if they were approaching an area where the animals had been spotted. Thankfully, this did help to curtail the problem.

Social media buzzed with reactions to the pictures of the reindeer sporting glow-in-the-dark antlers, with one user quipping: “Now I just imagine 2 reindeer with horns locked like it’s a lightsaber duel.”

Another added whimsically: “Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to kill.” And a third commented: “I’m here for the terrifying magical reindeer.”

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