Published On: Sat, Jun 22nd, 2024

The UK’s ‘worst city’ that people are flocking to relocate to | UK | News

A city just months ago deemed the UK’s worst to visit has been revealed as the place Brits are desperate to move to.

Derby, in Derbyshire, has been revealed as the second most sought after place for those looking to relocate – ranking just behind London.

But the findings come just weeks after the city was deemed one the UK’s worst place to visit by consumer magazine Which?.

The new study looked at average monthly Google search volumes for terms relating to living and moving to different locations and was conducted by the home insurance team at Compare the Market.

​​London ranked as the number one most desired city to live in the UK, followed by ​Derby and ​​Stoke-on-Trent.

A spokesperson for Compare the Market said: “Whether you’ve landed a new job, you’re craving better weather, or just looking for a change of pace, there are many reasons to relocate to a different city – or even country. But which locations are the most desirable of all?”

They added: “In second place is ​​Derby, with ​​22,950 monthly searches on average.”

But according to Which? the city ranked “poorly for its food and drink, accommodation, cultural sights and tourist attractions, shopping and ease of getting around”.

The city centre has also been described as “rundown” and “a dump” by some people who live there.

Other Derby locals, however, hit back at the Which? verdict in a Reddit forum.

Posting to the dedicated Derby forum on Reddit, one local said: “Derbys getting some s*** press at the moment. ‘One of the worst cities etc.’ Share some good stuff about Derby.” [SIC]

They continued: “When I was younger, my dad used to always say to me when wandering around Derby: ‘Look up’ – at the buildings. The lower-level stuff may have some sh***y shop front appeal, but we do have some fine architecture if you look above.

“We have great history of the city. Yes, we suffered from the 1960s ‘Brutilism’, ugly concrete makeover of its day, but it’s not all ugly…It may not be the most pretty city, but it’s still got a lot going for it.” [SIC]

Below is the Top 10 most desired places to live in 2024 according to Compare the Market alongside their number of relevant Google searches.

​1. London, ​​​36,880

​2. Derby, ​​​22,950

​3. Stoke on Trent, 22,940

​4. Birmingham, 19,890

​5. Liverpool, 19,470

​6. Wolverhampton, 18,830

​7. ​​​Bradford, 18,010

​8. ​​​Manchester, ​​​17,240

​9. Newport, ​​​16,510

​10. ​​​Sunderland, ​​15,290​

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