Published On: Thu, Jun 20th, 2024

Rishi Sunak supporters rally around PM after ‘aggressive’ BBC debate | Politics | News

Conservative Party supporters have rallied around Rishi Sunak after a rocky performance in a special episode of BBC Question Time on Thursday evening.

During his thirty minute interview slot, the Tory Party leader, was grilled by host Fiona Bruce on a number of topics, ranging from NHS waiting lists and illegal migration, through to doubling down his plans to implement a form of national service if re-elected.

Among some of his most well received comments, the Prime Minister did admit that so far “we haven’t made as much progress as I would’ve liked” on NHS waiting lists, but he did state that record amounts were being invested into the NHS, something he even urged BBC verify to confirm.

However, some of the PM’s plans were less well popular including his suggestion that as part of his pledge to reinstate national service for young people, those that refused to serve in the military or civil service could be penalised, with access to finances and driving licenses potentially revoked.

Sunak also hinted that under a Tory government he may withdraw the UK from the European Convention of Human Rights altogether, a move which was so ill-received in the audience that it prompted cries of “shame” among attendees in York.

While discussing his plans to continue the current Rwanda deal, in which illegal immigrants and asylum seekers are transported to the African nation while their claims are assessed, he told a voter in the audience: “Sir, with the greatest respect, we do not need a foreign court to tell us how to police our own borders and our security, right?”

He added: “And I believe everything we’re doing is in compliance with our international obligations but if I’m put in a position where I’m forced to choose between those things, I’m going to put our country’s national security first every single time. And I make absolutely no apology about that.”

Several members of the audience then shouted: “Shame, shame, shame on you.”

Following his appearance on the show, Green Party co-leader Caroline Lucas publicly hit out at Prime Minister Rishi Sunak following his disastrous performance in a televised BBC Question Time leader’s special, as she candidly told followers on social media: “He’s totally lost it.”

The 63-year-old, who is currently an MP for Brighton Pavilion, took to twitter to openly criticise Rishi’s “aggressive” approach to members of the audience asking him questions over his policies, as well as his slamming his “rudeness” when it came to being challenged.”

“Whoever trained Sunak for this #bbcqt session should be sacked – he’s totally lost it,” wrote Ms.Lucas. “ So aggressive. So rude. This audience shouting “shame” gives me hope.”

It wasn’t just the Green Party and audience members that were critical of Rishi’s performance either, as political rivals the Labour Party were also quick to ridicule the PM’s performance on screen.

Pat McFadden, Labour’s campaign coordinator, dubbed the Prime Minister’s debate an “abject failure”, reports The Telegraph.

In a particularly damning assessment of Rishi’s performance on screen he added: “On the candidates involved in the insider betting scandal, does he think they would be good MPs? Will he campaign for them? Does he want his cabinet colleagues to campaign for them? Does he think they are fit to hold office as Ministers? How many more Tory politicians or officials are involved in this?

“When he became leader after the Liz Truss disaster he had a chance to change his party. He flunked it. He put his party before his country. And the consequences of that failure were on full show tonight.”

However, not everyone was against Rishi’s performance, as there was also plenty of public support for Rishi on social media too, with one person writing: “@RishiSunak Thank you for your answers tonight. UK is a great country. Unfortunately ungrateful people won’t appreciate of all good things that happened here. The support given to businesses when lockdown hit saved lots of jobs/families. Thank you.”

A second person also agreed adding: “You were so good tonight. You were the only one who answered your questions. I wish you’d remind everyone of the furlough scheme and help with energy bills that you introduced during the pandemic. If everyone, who took that help, voted for you on July 4th you’d win. No question!”

A third voter also shared their support for the PM, writing: Good performance @RishiSunak – appreciate the straight talking – you were best of the crowd tonight.”

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